Bored, Swollen and Utterly Pathetic --Written on: 4/9/05 ~~ 11:00

Today has been a wasted day. Granted, a lot of my Saturdays are, unless I'm working, Jeff is off, or I go visiting somewhere. Normally, I'd watch TV until I was so bored I had to take a nap, wake up in a few hours and watch more TV. Now that we have the computer, well... Replace TV with computer and sleep with housework. I finally felt so pathetic for sitting here so long that I had to get up so I'd have something to show for my day. So I took a break, got the laundry together, vacuumed, straightened up, cleaned the kitchen, etc. And now, of course, it's between this and the TV until Jeff gets home... So I'm back at it.
Ah, yes, and I'm pretty sure the jury is in on that stretch marks issue. That book made me a little too cocky and I think I really did speak too soon. This morning I was greeted by some funny marks on the underside of my belly that I thought were just from sleeping. But, they're still there, as far as I can tell, over 12 hours later, so I think they're staying. They're not that bad though, very small and not very dark. I don't understand where they came from though since they're in a spot that isn't even stretching. I am amazed it took this long, even still.
So we got my husband set up with a Diaryland account, but he hasn't made any entries yet, so there's no point in advertising right now. I will when he does.

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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