Chill Pill = Ritalin? --Written on: Saturday, Jul. 24, 2004 ~~ 19:45

I've been wondering lately... What is the most effective way to make a small child know that you mean business when you tell them to settle down? For my in-laws, the phrase of choice is: "Take a chill-pill." That's it. All the time, everytime. It really doesn't mean much anymore, since it's used for all offenses from the very minor to the very extreme. I can't really imagine my grandparents ever saying anything so um, contemporary(?) to me as a child. It's almost funny really, I think I've heard that sentence up to about 75 times in a single visit before (and our visits are rarely ever more than 2 or 3 hours at a time). Normally, I'd say "whatever works" but this obviously isn't working very well, now is it?

So today was the long awaited probably-day-off that I've been waiting for all week. Jeff was on-call for Job #3 this morning and scheduled to work the night shift for Job #2. Of course he got called in, so it turned out to be another day like all the others. Luckily(?), I've been asked by my supervisor to come in early all week next week for some new training, and coincidentally, Jeff is again, probably, going to be off every night this week except Monday and Saturday, so maybe we can do some real family-type things like cook dinner and eat together a few nights (before midnight, that is). I'm crossing my fingers for this one. He's also planning to study for Job #3 so he can take the test to start taking night shifts there. I'd be willing to forfeit some family-time this week for the prospect of that happening. That would mean an inevitable end to Jobs #1 and #2, partly because the money would be much better and partly because Job #3 won't bend much around two other schedules.

Eh, blah. Not much else to say just now.


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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