So many things.... --Written on: Saturday, Jul. 03, 2004 ~~ 14:54

I'm in a really, really bad mood. Mainly angry more than depressed or lonely or whatever the hell has been my problem lately. I am utterly exhausted of people who refuse to take their share of the blame. And, in my Libran sense of thinking that everything should be fair and just for everyone, I am exhausted of crying out for justice for those who are being trampled. I'm tired of people taking all the blame for things upon themselves when they really don't deserve it and I'm tired of the people who deserve to share in the blame just letting themselves be told that they are right. I'm tired. ...and I'm angry. ...and I want to cry because I can't help but to internalize everything that is fair for everyone else who just WON'T do it themselves. I can't change this about me, it's just who I am. However, if I keep going on like this, I'm going to snap. What a bunch of bullshit.

And speaking of a bunch of bullshit that makes me angry, I am utterly appalled at this whole "Farenheit 9/11" craze. Let me ask you this... If the president was really such a terrible monster, why would the liberals need to take the claws out at every opportunity that presents itself? If it really was all true, then why would you need to sling the muck so vigorously? Why couldn't you just state the facts and let people decide for themselves? Why couldn't you NOT put a spin on it to make things sound extra-bad. Do you not trust people to be smart enough to make their own decisions and form their own opinions based solely on the unbiased facts? Or do the unbiased facts not speak strongly enough to make people change their minds so that they think the way the liberals want them to? Why, if the Democrats have found themselves a better man, why does he need help from Michael Moore and, etc. Why can't he just stand up and say: "This is what I stand for and will always stand for, regardless of what is popular, and if you like it better than what you have now, choose me?" Why do they have to say: "Who cares what our guy stands for, just know that you'll be voting against someone else." What kind of ass-backwards way of non-intelligent voting strategy is that? How stupid is the American public, at large, really? I guess we'll find out in a few months, eh? And for the record, I have not seen that movie, but I have heard plenty about it from all sides. I hear that Moore used quotes from Bush that had NOTHING to do with Iraq, but rather were about Israel and used creative editting to make it sound a whole lot like he couldn't have been talking about anything but the Iraq situation. If Moore manipulated that, how much of the rest of the movie could possibly be accurate. No sirreee.... I am not giving my money to that piece of propaganda. Maybe I'll see it someday... When I can borrow it from a library and not pay a cent that says I support such treachery and outright sabotage to everything that Americans should stand for. Whatever you all say, know this... Michael Moore is laughing all the way to the bank because he believes that Americans are stupid enough to believe whatever is put in front of them in a neat, organized little package. He believes we are all to stupid to find things out for ourselves and we'll take everything he says in his own way as gospel truth. He is banking on the fact that we are stupid and gullible. Stupid and gullible? Well, I think he's wrong about most of us there, but if he said we were too lazy to find things out for ourselves and too lazy to make up our own minds... Well that might just be one point that he and I would agree on.

What else... Oh, well it seems I was nearly an aunt, but I don't know enough about that to say very much intelligently. I will say, however, that that whole situation ties directly into the first part of this entry. However, it's just one of the situations that has me nearing the end of my pitiful rope.


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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