Inspiration --Written on: 2003-07-25 ~~ 10:12 p.m.

In accordance with one of the diaries I'm reviewing for Hunu, I've been re-inspired to try to write a deep, thought-provoking entry. This diary belongs to a 19-year-old whose parents were (or are) missionaries and is now struggling with her own faith. Technically, this isn't my "religion" entry. It's really my "The nature of man" entry.

Oftentimes, in many religions, you hear the idea that "God is inside you." Recently, I've come to disagree with that idea. This is just a notion I've been playing with in recent weeks, but I think that if any deity resides in the souls of all men, it is the evil one (the devil, Satan, etc.). Actually, I don't know that I even believe that there is a Satan (remnants of my Wiccan past), maybe just an evil or chaotic energy that originates in human beings.

Explain this: Why, if God and not the Devil, is alive in man... Why then do so many people, nearly everyone, fight internal struggles to always do the right thing or not to be selfish? Why don't we all just instinctively always do the right thing? Of course, this is where everyone would argue that God gave us free will. Eh, no... I still think that if a divine, and basically good spirit co-existed with the human soul that we would all lean more towards doing good, selfless things. I think there would be fewer "bad people" in this world. I think that bad things wouldn't happen so often to good people if this all were the case.

Also, if a malevolent spirit was living within us and influencing our souls, then it would be all the greater victory when we learn to be good and turn to God. IN THAT CASE, we would truly deserve to go to heaven, having defeated the demons within. Perhaps God created humans because He had no opposition at the time of creation. Perhaps, in His divine wisdom He recognized the need for a balance = Good and Evil.

I'm not trying to defy convention, but I do think that this makes slightly more sense than most previous arguments I've heard.

Stay Tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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