I'd be lost without you. --Written on: 2003-08-28 ~~ 9:23 p.m.

Today's free publicity goes to:

Trojan Reviews

I didn't apply there, but when I saw the layout it made me chuckle. As Nikki might say, "There ought to be a parental advisory on that one," but in a cute way... Sort of.

Anyway, more stuff to write about... It seems that I nearly became a widow yesterday. I didn't really grasp the truth of that statement until later in the day. Jeff left me a voicemail before I came to work yesterday saying that he narrowly escaped death while driving to class yesterday. I say things like that from time to time when unusual things happen on the road; it's usually not totally true for me, so I didn't really take it very seriously when he said it.

As the story goes, some little old lady who apparently was suffering from some level of dementia decided that she was going to enter I-77 via the off-ramp and drive in the wrong direction on the expressway. Jeff just so happened to be the first near-miss (very near miss) in her path. He said he just barely didn't hit her head-on, by roughly two feet. This while traveling a good 55-60 mph, and NOT wearing his seatbelt. He swerved, nearly lost control, and ended up spun-out sideways in the median. She just kept driving in the wrong direction as if nothing had happened.

Being that Jeff is still alive, his ordeal did produce some good. I guess his dramatic episode is what caused all of the drivers behind him to take notice, so they all slowed down and proceeded cautiously past the woman. One guy stopped to see if Jeff was okay, and called to police to come try to get the woman off the road. The guy told Jeff that he had "reflexes like a cat," if that's any indication of how close she was to him when he swerved.

One thing that was kind of cool for Jeff is that when he was on his way home from class, he got to hear about the ordeal on his favorite local talk radio. One of the drivers that had been behind him called in while he was listening and he got to hear their perspective of his near-miss.

The story continues that the woman wouldn't stop for anything until the police pulled her over. Even then she was combative with the cops and refused to believe or admit that she was going the wrong way. She adamantly professed that everyone else was travelling in the wrong direction.

Once the seriousness really sunk in that Jeff was half a second from getting into an accident that he almost definitely would not have survived (not wearing a seatbelt)... Wow.

I truly cannot imagine what I'd have done.

Stay Tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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