Want me to pick up anything for you? --Written on: 2003-07-03 ~~ 9:21 p.m.

Tomorrow is the day for the big shoplifting.... er, I mean shopping trip. I'm crossing my fingers for that to work out okay.

Would you believe that this state's Capitol celebrates Independence Day on July-freakin'-3rd?!? I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't be all that surprised for a smaller suburban community to have fireworks on an off-day, but I'd have figured that the Capitol would have the decency to have the celebration on the actual holiday. See, we are planning to take Shawnee out to breakfast and then on to Columbus for a day of shopping and fun and maybe a movie. Conveniently, her birthday being on the 4th and all, we were going to wrap up the day with fireworks. I was really excited to see fireworks in Columbus as I've never been there on the July 4th before. I figured they'd be awesome. They're also celebrating Ohio's bicentennial this year, so it sould be that much better. Of course, it's all going on... RIGHT NOW!!! On the third.... I'm at work, and it's not Shawnee's birthday till tomorrow anyway. I could only find one suburb on the web that's advertising July 4th fireworks and it's on the west side of Columbus. Since we're going to Easton Center (a mall on the, you guessed it, East side), it's not very convenient. I should have written to Nikki's friend Danyel see if she had any better advice. I didn't think of that till it was too late. I think we'll end up in Canton or Mansfield or somewhere between there and here.

An hour left!! Yippeee!

Stay tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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