Spare the rod... --Written on: 2003-04-26 ~~ 8:30 p.m.

This one's about my views on parenting. Before I begin, let me first make it be known that I, myself, have no children, so let it never be said that I claim to be any kind of authority. These are just my opinions based on things that I've observed that I either agree with or do not. Perhaps one reason why I am not in a huge hurry to become a mother myself is because I have such a respect for the position and view it to be a huge tragedy to jump into such a thing head first without first taking inventory of all the responsibilities and obligations involved. I've heard some say "I'm too selfish to have kids." I don't think I'm likely to ever say it like that; I don't think that's how I feel, but I have a respect for that kind of blunt statement. At least if you know that your lifestyle won't accommodate making sacrifices for your child(ren) and you make the mature decision to wait based on that, I think that is very wise and respectable. To ignore one's selfishness and make babies that you have no intention of giving full attention to is deplorable. It infuriates me to the core. But I am straying from my intended topic.

I am confused by parents who won't effectively discipline their children. It's everywhere nowadays. Sure, some kids may respond to discipline that doesn't include spanking, etc., but I'm sure that those little angels are in the minority. I think I heard somewhere that as a parent you are not supposed to make your child fear you in order to make them behave. Think about this. If children are left to their own devices, the result is pint-sized anarchy with destructive and often dangerous results. Children will not ever know how to respect anything without first knowing fear. "Fear" does not mean fear for their lives or health, but fear of consequences. Children do not respect parents who don't enforce the rules of the house. Enforcement means consequences for unruly behavior. Grounding may or may not work as the child gets older, but really, the average toddler has no concept of "Now honey, sit down and let me tell you why telling mommy to fuck-off and kicking her in the shin is bad." You just don't do that. The same way a child doesn't intuitively know how to love (besides love of family), a child does not also know how to really respect. They must grow into that, as it is a more complex emotion. More often then not, a mild fear of unpleasant consequences must be employed as the child learns to really respect authority and appreciate what it means to be well-behaved.

Stay Tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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