Liberals Suck --Written on: Monday, Sept. 22, 2003 ~~ 18:42

The saga of the diaryland notes political argument continues...

I'm not even going to waste my finger muscles to continue this nonsense. You can't argue with a liberal because they have no concept of what it is to admit that they are wrong. I invite everyone to read my notes in the latest installment. I'm done... Live in your ignorant utopia of being a democrat. Enjoy your happy little world.

"Bush has brought us into a rather costly war through lies. LIES. Our military men continue to die and thousands of innocent Iraqis as well."

Lies... Well, the American people didn't respond to the truth about Saddam Hussein very well, so maybe it took a few stretches of the truth to get the huddled masses of sheep in this country motivated. For YEARS and YEARS now Saddam has been blatantly defying UN orders. No one cares. Eh, that's fine. Who cares if he's manufacturing VX or Anthrax or whatever it is that he has, just so long as we don't interrupt our happy little ignorant American lives to have to worry about it. Fuck law and order in the global community. Let's just not let the American economy suffer so Mr. and Mrs. Average Blissful Sheep-like American doesn't have to pay $1.70 per gallon of gas. If I'm going to die at the hands of terrorists, I want to be paying $0.99 per gallon of high-grade gasoline when I'm gagging on chemical weapons. That's what's really important after all.

Oh and about the American soldiers dying in Bush's oh-so-dishonest war... I don't hear them complaining, in the big picture. Yeah, I'm sure there are a few "shit-bags" (to quote Kyle) who thought they were getting into the military just for 3 warm meals a day and no action who may bitch about world affairs. In the main, the military is more upset at the American public's lack of support for the war and the President than they are about the prospect of dying in Iraq. They did not sign on the dotted line to be gardeners or pre-school teachers; they signed up to be soldiers and anyone who doesn't understand that soldiers go to war has no place arguing anything about any war.

And as far as wishing people would get over the Clinton oral sex thing. As I expected, my liberal adversary missed the part where I said that IT'S NOT ABOUT THE ORAL SEX, IT'S ABOUT THE PERJURY! Lying under oath is against the law, even for Democrats. Criminals should not be allowed to be the Top Banana. How can anyone argue with that? Besides that, I'll get over Clinton's disrespect for the Oval Office when the liberals get over the 2000 election results (We follow the electoral college system, and if you don't understand or agree with that, DON'T VOTE!).

I'm done.

Stay tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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