Everyone has to have a hobby --Written on: Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004 ~~ 20:26

I've tried to introduce (or re-introduce, at least) Jeff to building models. I've tried to get him to read more for recreation (with limited success). We go hiking whenever there's a "hiking spree" in the local parks (which only happens twice per year). I've even tried to teach him knitting (still in the process--we'll see how that goes). I feel guilty sometimes because, even though I don't leave the house much, I have hobbies... Things to do that I enjoy and keep me occupied. Most days, I can't watch TV for that long (unless I'm knitting or something to go along with it) because it makes me want to pull my hair out. I get so BORED!!! So, in accordance with my quick ability to learn things and inability to concentrate on much of anything, I have my knitting, my reading, my scrapbooking (still on hold), my exercising, my occasional manic cleaning fits, etc. I have hobbies because I have to to keep me sane. Jeff watches TV. That's his main source of keeping occupied at home. Now as I've mentioned, the TV DRIVES ME CRAZY if it's on for an extended time with nothing really worth watching. And... Even if I'm not watching myself, it still kind of irks me. It is truly the sucker of life. So, in an effort to keep the TV off and quite my own inner demons regarding having a ton of hobbies to my husband's one default hobby, I've tried to get him interested in various things.

He finally found himself a hobby.

He collects jobs.

This really isn't much better than the TV, except maybe that they pay you.

I mentioned before that he'd found himself a third job a while back. Well, he still has 3 jobs. We don't really NEED for him to have 3 jobs, he just does. Okay, well, having him work constantly is helpful to the whole paying-off-the-debts plan that we have, but we don't DESPERATELY need to go this route, at least.

Let's recap. We have Job #1. The money was okay, not great, but more than anything the people there are a bunch of asshole quasi-apes who do nothing but bitch and spread misery to everyone with whom they come into contact. He hates/hated it there. At some point, we were both desperate for him to get out of there. So he found job #2. Yippeeee! Woohooo! Oh wait. Job #1 gives him 6 shifts per week. At job #2, it's more like 3 or 4... 5 if we're really, really lucky and don't count on it on a regular basis. Fine, so we work job #2 and fill in the off-days with job #1. Things are going okay except that everyone at job #1 is still a half-conscious, barely-able-to-dress-themselves, usually-drunk-or-hungover moron. And as a bonus, they've lately hired some ape with an anger-management issue and one of the people he doesn't get along with is my husband. I'm not really comfortable with this situation, especially considering that management's answer to the problem is just to say, "Well, he has a problem with you..." Suddenly, job #3 pops up, which was a surprise to me at least because I didn't think we were still looking for more jobs. It was a pleasant surprise though since this one seemed to have the highest earning potential and he'll be working with friendly, competent people in a respectable place. Somehow though, revenue just isn't moving like we hoped. However, between two jobs (assuming we'd finally leave job #1 in the past now), things should still be okay, right?

Well, apparently I don't know what I'm talking about. So we keep 3 jobs. I was really under the impression that yesterday night was going to be the final "two-weeks notice" night at job #1. Nope. Excuses extend through the end of summer, apparently. Jeff knows how I feel on this topic and yet, he seems to think that I'm just blowing smoke on this one. He seems to think that I know what I want him to do, but I really don't have any valid reason for wanting it. He seems to forget that at one point we were in agreement on this. I really, really hate job #1, more and more each day. Everyday he works there I brace for him to come home in a bad mood that is in some way directly linked to the assholes. It really is very stressful for me and he knows this. So why bother? Why insist on keeping Mondays and Tuesdays? And what happens when those two days aren't even enough? Do we pick up other random days during the week? How many more days am I going to have to worry who he got into a screaming match with this time. How much longer am I going to have to ponder who is just a bitch and who is a loose cannon?


And as if this all weren't enough, he's been talking about putting in further applications just in case job #3 continues to not meet expectations. All this, AND we have an agreement that he's going to be a quasi-stay-at-home-parent when we have our kids (he'll probably still work a little, but around my schedule). Will I even be able to get him to stop working then? What's the point of trying to build up senority and status at three separate jobs if you're just going to have to quit most of them in the foreseeable future?


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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