A sign, but of what? --Written on: Tuesday, Aug. 03, 2004 ~~ 21:16

So this bee thing has really got me thinking... How much longer are we going to be living where we are living? I can deal with bees' nests outside. We've had them... We've sprayed the hell out of them... We just don't go out on the balcony (as is true for almost all of the neighbors in the building as well... Hmmmm...). Bees on the inside... How do we really deal with that? Call an exterminator? Isn't that kind of in the jurisdiction of the apartment manager? I'm sure if we bothered them enough, they'd eventually resort to that, but it would take some doing and between fighting the bees AND the landlord, I just don't know how much energy I've got for that.

So anyway, we always said that our next move would almost certainly be into a house, our own house. Things have been rather quiet for the last couple of days, so we may have licked the problem, or at least band-aided it, but what if we haven't? What if they come back and this time with a vengence? And what about next summer (we still have over a year left on our lease, so barring a huge event, there will be a next summer)? It's been suggested to me by one of my friends at work that we ought to just look for another apartment. Don't stress out over buying a house; what's the rush, etc. I'm tired of moving. I moved out of my mom's house 4 years ago and since then I've lived in 4 different places. I realize it could be a lot worse, but I just want a place to settle in and get comfy with. I don't want to move again, just to know that it's not the long-term home that I want.

I sort of thought that we'd be in a good place to buy a house. Sure, things could be better, but I also wouldn't say that we're entirely unprepared for such a leap. So I'm looking around on lendingtree.com and ditech, etc., and finding out these "hypothetical" calculators that figure out how much you can afford and how much you can borrow and how bad your debt is, these calculators are quite unforgiving. I hope very much that if we talk to a real, live loan officer that they would have better news for us. Right now, we could hypothetically be loaned a lot less than what I had hoped and our monthly mortgage payments on that loan that would buy us a not-so-great house would be a good deal more than what we pay in rent for our infested apartment. I'm pretty discouraged, I must say. I've hinted to Jeff that if it turns out that we can't possibly stay in this apartment due to the recent issues that maybe we ought to get our affairs in order before going through with this family thing. It wouldn't be (I hope) more than a matter of months worth of a setback; that's not so bad. He isn't making the same connection, or if he is, he's not as concerned about it.

Then again, maybe it's a sign, i.e., the "birds and the bees." Bees, as a sign of fertility? Things will work themselves out on their own? I don't know, it's quite a stretch. I'm too literal to be subscribing in that sort of ridiculous nonsense these days.


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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