Birthday vs. Anniversary --Written on: Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2004 ~~ 21:54

Who would have thought that a thing as simple as coffee creamer could cause such a problem? The coffee here at work (yes, I fell off the wagon--I'm drinking coffee once again) has always been terrible. I chalked it up to being cheap, bulk, corporate crap in the break room. Turns out it's the cheap, bulk, generic creamer that they keep stocked here. It even ruins Starbucks coffee. It's absolutely horrible... turns my stomach just thinking about it.

Okay, so that's not my entry. It just happens that I'm in the process of choking down a cup of yummy coffee with crappy creamer and I can't ignore the funk that's stuck on the back of my tongue.

My entry...

My mom is trying to plan a trip to North Carolina to visit my great-grandmother for her 90th birthday coming up in September. It's the weekend after Labor Day (the trip is, I mean, the birthday is during the week between Labor Day and the trip). I can't help but wonder why we can't plan this for Labor Day weekend so no one has to take any extra days off from work. I really think that would work out just fine (me, saving my vacation days so I can carry over a weeks worth to next year, anticipating a possible maternity leave). Not only that, but the first full day we'll be gone is the date of Jeff's and my 7th anniversary (that is, we've been together 7 years... Married not quite 2. I have to say, I give our September anniversary more weight seeing as how the first 5 years were the roughest, but also the sweetest and most memorable). And also since last year's anniversary didn't turn out so well, and since we see eachother so little now with as much as we work, I'd really like to be able to do something nice this time. Plus, we've both got big birthdays coming up this year, 25 and 30. And then of course there's the possibility that this will be the last year that we're free to do nearly anything we want since we don't have little ones and/or pregnancy woes to deal with. But then again, it's not everyday that your great-grandmother turns 90, or anyone else for that matter. I'd really like to go, but I really want to stay. I told mom I'd go if she can convince TJ to go; we'll see about that. I'd find a way to make it up to Jeff in that case.


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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