Aww, shucks, why not.... --Written on: Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004 ~~ 21:43

If the liberals can do it, so can I... Here's a funny, and more importantly accurrate, excerpt that I just read in one of my Republican-oriented Yahoo! Groups:

There is a point where we can help our flustered Democrat friends. A wonderful woman who is a reader provided me with the following material and I think it will be of great service if you pass it on to those who intend to vote for Kerry in November.

Apparently in his acceptance speech, Senator Smiley Face Kerry spent so much time talking about his daughter's hamster and his seven months in Vietnam and all the things he plans to do when he's in charge, that he had to cut his speech short in order to make it on to the 11 p.m. news (it's good to see he has his priorities in order). So what did he leave out? His record in the last 20 years in the Senate.

Just imagine if someone came in for a job and his resume neglected to tell where he had been in the last 20 years. Here are some of the things he forgot to tell his adoring followers.

In the last 20 years, he voted to kill all anti-terrorism activities of many key agencies of the U.S. Government:

He voted to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%.

He voted to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%.

He voted to cut the funding for the NASA by 80%.He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank.

He voted to kill every Aircraft Carrier laid down from 1988.

He voted to kill the Aegis anti-aircraft system.

He voted to kill the F-15 Strike Eagle.

He voted to kill the Block 60 F-16.

He voted to kill the P-3 Orion upgrade.

He voted to kill the B-1.

He voted to kill the B-2.

He voted to kill the Patriot anti-missile system.

He voted to kill the FA-18.

He voted to kill the F117.

He voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons system since 1988, including a bill for battle armor for our troops.

Did he vote FOR anything? Yes.

He voted to increase our funding for UN operations by 800%!

Now, my fellow Republicans, I ask you to pass this on to our good Democrat friends in the spirit of friendship and harmony. It won't change their minds. Nothing will change their minds.

If John Kerry announced today that he was The Manchurian Candidate and that he has a chip implanted in him so that when he's President, his wife Teresa "Sweetness" Heinz Kerry will turn over the Queen of Diamonds and he will immediately hand over control of The United States to the United Nations or, even worse, agree to make this country a colony of France he still will carry New York and California.

(from Jerry Della Femina, Jewish World Review)


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Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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