Back after a short recess of monotony --Written on: Monday, May. 31, 2004 ~~ 13:17

Look who's back!

I'm not sure that many people come poking around here to miss me in such extended absences, but for the precious and wonderful few... Sorry to be gone. It does tie in quite well to my thank you to Rare Silk Reviews for my recent review. I think my score was 85 or something and seeing as how it was a review I requested way way back and included my huge huge gaps while I was away at scribble, that suits me fine. Thank you, reviewer (Sara, was it? If not sorry... I haven't read the review or been back to the site yet today for a proper thank you). How does that tie into my absence? Well, my lost points were in the content area where Madam Reviewer said (quote American Idol judge) "it was just okay for me." Yeah, it's gotten to be just okay for me too. The once or twice a week when I'm actually near a computer where I can update, I have my choice to update just for the sake of maintaining my typing skills or waiting for a time when I might have something real to say. I've chosen to wait these past several weeks, and until I have better access to a computer, this is probably how things are going to be. Sad but true. On the upside... Boring is always good, in my life at least. Boring means that I'm not fighting with anyone. Boring means that no one is out to get me. Boring means that everything is smooth-sailing on the homestead. Given what I've seen of what the alternative to boring is... I love boring.

So what have I been doing anyway, even if it isn't very noteworthy? Well, Jeff got himself yet another new job, this time in a fine-dining establishment where we're hoping that tips on a good night will be at least twice what he's used to. Now he's trying to decide what to do about his other 2 jobs. Just to recap, let me point out that that brings the count up to 4 jobs between 2 people under our roof--I don't want to hear any bullshit about the economy. Just because you can't find a job that you'd prefer to have or in a location near you where you'd prefer it to be does not mean that the jobs aren't out there. Anyway, so hopefully this is all good news in the area of paying off debts and preparing for a future pregnancy.

Along the lines of that, I have found that my baby-fever has turned somewhat lukewarm in recent weeks/months. It's still something that is in the back of my mind; for crissakes, I'm knitting a baby blanket even as we speak. However, it's cooled off from the all-consuming cancer of the mind that it was for me for so long. I think I've just come to grips with the reality that it's not a good time right now and that mainly we're making it a top priority for the sake of not letting too awful much time pass before we start a family. I've even stopped having my regularly scheduled pregnancy/birth/baby dreams that I was having for so long. We're still sticking to our plan that I've talked about before, but even then, I wouldn't mind if it took us at least 6 months or so for success. There's still a lot of stuff that needs taking care of and a lot of things we need to be considering.

And finally, (I've got to make this quick because king-TJ is ready to go and doesn't like to be kept waiting--Love you Teege) I'm about a week into what I hope will be the beginning of my latest fitness kick. I've done some form of exercise--real excercise, not just "woo, 50 crunches... that's it for me today"--every day since last Sunday (whereas before it was approximately 3 times a week since about late winter). I've also been drinking Green Tea instead of coffee, which I realize still has caffeine in it, but it's considerably less and it has anti-oxidants and other goodies as well. Not only that but I've been trying to drink water whenever I'm not drinking the tea and eating fruit for snacks instead of cookies and candy. I realize it's only been a little more than a week, but I feel pretty good. I've been functioning on less sleep and have had more energy this past week. I really hope I stick to this. Where did this all come from... This sudden healthy kick in the ass? Oooh... Last weekend I pulled out my summer clothes. None of my shorts fit and I actually ripped what used to be my good pair of jean shorts while getting them on. My subsequent trip to Kohl's resulted in my first ever size 12 jeans. I am obviously going in the wrong direction from what I want. So bring on the Pilates and the apple slices!

Au revoir.

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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