We hold these truths to be self evident... --Written on: 1/23/05 ~~ 15:00

There are a few things that being pregnant has taught me. Well, no, not taught... Not exactly... Rather a few things that I used to think that were re-affirmed and some other things that I think I will adopt as personal philosophies from here on out.
First, I always used to say, and now fully believer that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to NOT get pregnant. Having gone so long deliberately avoiding it and never really having had a close call (last fall doesn't count after I learned that travelling in the first half of my cycle is what screwed me up... There was never any chance I was pregnant that time), and now having gotten pregnant and knowing from the very first minute that I would be, I'm fully convinced. The only qualifier would be assuming that one's body chemistry was "normal" (meaning regular cylces and whatnot). Perhaps this pregnancy wasn't 100% planned, but it was most certainly 98% expected. We could've prevented it, but just didn't. So, in my experience at least, accidental pregnancy is a load of crap; "careless pregnancy" is more true in my eyes.
And so far in my pregnancy, I've adopted 2 new viewpoints. First, I can't understand why anyone would do this more than once on purpose (that one came about during the morning sickness phase) and currently, I don't understand how anyone ever gains weight in pregnancy. I'm fully prepared to eat my words on that one, assuming that I'll be eating everything else in sight as well, but right now, it stands. It seems like all I ever do is eat; I rarely, if ever get hungry and deprive myself. I have no cravings. I get hungry, but nothing looks good. I really have no appetite, even still. My books say that by the end of this week, it would be normal to have gained anywhere from 10-13 pounds. ...which makes sense considering that 18 weeks is nearly halfway home. I've gained 2, maybe 3. I guess as long as the doc says that everything inside is big enough, I'm still okay... Right?

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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