Now you see me... --Written on: 1/15/05 ~~ 16:00

Well, I suppose it's about time I turned back up... For a while there I was only ever leaving the house just to go to work. Besides that, you could find me exclusively in bed or on the couch.
Today, I am 16 weeks pregnant. Still tired, but not as much... Still a little sick sometimes, but not NEARLY as much... Everything is getting just a little bit bigger, but I'm still not gaining much weight, which I'm sure is a mixed blessing. At my last doctor's appointment, she said my uterus was actually a bit bigger than expected (but not big enough to be thinking there's more than one in there, thank goodness), so I expect that the baby doesn't care that I'm apparently only eating enough to satisfy him/her. He/She must be growing just fine, I guess.
People are accusing me left and right about being mean and hormonal. I don't see where I'm any different than I ever was; I think now they just can put a nicer name on it than what they would've been calling me any other time.
We have our ultrasound appointment set for February 16th, but hopefully, I'll be able to update again before that (no promises, hehe). Well, actually I think I may give it one more today before I leave here, but we'll see.

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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