With sprinkles please. --Written on: Wednesday, Sept. 08, 2004 ~~ 11:06

Have you ever gotten the feeling when you're trying to walk somewhere that someone is actually re-routing the sidewalks and moving the building so that you'll never get where you're going? Twice now in a row I've attempted to walk from one end of the KSU campus to the other and twice now, I've gotten lost. And today, God bless her, Frances decided to arrive a day early, so I got wonderfully drenched in my confusion.

Also, in light of my upcoming birthday, it's time again to renew my plates on my car and also renew my driver's liscense. Well, since Ohio has the marvel that is E-check, my first attempt to do this was sent back to me in the mail (renewing the plates, at least) because my e-check was just about to be expired. So, they held my check and paperwork until it WAS expired and then sent it back with a "Sorry Charlie" letter. I got all of that straightened out and decided to go to the BMV in person this morning and just get it all over with. First, no... Sorry, you can't renew your liscense because our printer is down and we're waiting for a guy to come with the part. All right, fine. So, I need new plates. You wouldn't hardly believe it but the woman behind the counter looked like I just tried to order a hot-fudge sundae. Imagine, going the the BMV and trying to purchase liscense plates... So, finally, after I explained to her that no, these aren't NEW plates for a brand-new car so I don't need my title and yes I do mean NEW plates to replace my old ones because I lost my front liscense plate earlier this year and yes, it's time for me to renew my registration so it is indeed a most opportune time to be requesting NEW plates... After all that, we were finally on the same page for what I imagine is probably one of the most common and basic functions they perform at that place.

So just to double check, my front plate was lost or stolen? Yes, lost. Oh, not stolen? Well, no, not that I know of... Holy moses! My front plate just disappeared on day, take your pick! How the hell should I know?!? Did I report it to the police? Er, well, no. (The woman then gives me the "Well... DUMBASS!" Face) The truth is that yes, I mentioned the situation to a police officer once as he was helping my coworker with keys locked in her car and he didn't seem to want to have anything to do with me. He reacted like it wasn't anything he ought to be concerned with. He gave me the impression that I needed to report it to the BMV so that THEY could put it in my records. Lazy and also perhaps stupid as I am, I just figured that it wouldn't be so long till I had to go get new plates anyway, so I didn't do it. When I go back to hopefully get my new liscense, I'll ask (hopefully a new person) what the proper procedure really is should that ever happen again.

Maybe I should've just ordered that sundae.


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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