Rainbows and Dickheads --Written on: Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 ~~ 18:02

I don't really have any time for this, but I have to get it down while it's still fresh.

Yesterday actually wasn't all that bad. Mediocre, like most things, and I'm fine with that. On the drive home though, I saw the most beautiful rainbow. It really was incredible; it seemed to give off it's own light, it was so brilliant. It also seemed like it would've lasted forever if the sun hadn't gone down. It was a small piece of heaven.

Unfortunately, that's not what I need to write about today. TODAY.... On my way TO work, something equally incredible happened, but on the opposite side of the spectrum. It really is difficult to explain, without being able to describe specific areas, stretches of road and intersections, but I'll try. There are a whole lot of traffic lights in the mile or so that I have to drive between the expressway and work's parking lot. At one point you have a traffic light (two lanes on each side of the road) and then another traffic light about 30-40 feet in front of it. It's a completely stupid lay-out. Anyway, at the first light you have your choice of sitting in the left lane for an interminable amount of time waiting for all the cars/trucks in front of you to get a break to turn left so that you can go straight. Or, as most people do, you can get in the right lane and go around them and merge (usually in the middle of the intersection) left for the next intersection to turn left. After wasting about a combined length of about 8 months of my life waiting in the left lane, I finally decided with the rest of the world that choice #2 is the way to go.

Sooo... Today I was about to do just that. Oh, wait... there's a semi coming, shoot! But he's got his left blinker on, so he's turning left at the first intersection, I'm still cool to go. Oh nooooo.... dickhead is not only pulling through the first intersection (with blinker still on, as far as my last view) but he's also veering left... correction... left OF CENTER! Did he mean to turn and just miss it? Was he trying to make an extremely wide turn? Did he see that I was trying to get over and give me a break? Well anyway, there's enough space for me to maneuver quickly, though a little less safely now. I get in my lane since jackass can't figure out what the hell's going on. It was a tight fit, and I would've never done it if he'd have made his intentions clear, but everyone is okay, right? After all, who in their right mind would DELIBERATELY cut off a semi at such a tight intersection?!? Well, apparently this moron thought that I was that person. As usual, I had my radio turned up pretty loud, so I missed the first, and undoubtedly most colorful part of my serenade, but realized something was going on in enough time to catch the chorus: "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! ...." Over and over and over--this guy was a real class act. It was actually quite terrifying seeing as how I had to sit there for one and a half red lights listening to this. And of course, I knew he was talking to me because he was hanging out the window of the truck, to make sure I heard him.

If that wasn't bad enough, we actually ended up next to eachother at the next intersection. He rolled down his window and yelled something else at me... I looked up, that was about it.

So, not that dickhead truck drivers come to diaryland much, but for the record, I am sorry for the stupid thing that I did which was a direct result of the TWO stupid things he did beforehand.


Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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