Sweet Profanity --Written on: 2003-06-02 ~~ 7:06 p.m.

I used to always really like the smell of Rave hairspray. It somehow became my regular choice all through middle school. Later I guess I came away from it because all through high school whenever I did pick up a bottle or smell it on someone else, it took me back to those silly, confused, experimental pre/early teen years. I'd never want to go back, but it's fun to remember.

About a week ago, Jeff and I went out with TJ and his friend (girlfriend? Eh, whatever). At some point, my darling baby brother was being his usual self, a combination of sarcasm, brutal comedic truth and indifference when his date (?) exclaimed "That's ri-goddam-diculous!" I couldn't belive what I was hearing... The only person I'd ever heard use that expression is Mike (see cast list) and I haven't heard it again in over a year since we worked together. It really took me back to those WIL shenanigans that I miss so much at times being that I haven't made any lasting bonds with anyone I work with now. You'd think that in ten months there'd be someone that could fill the place in my life where Mike and Teresa and Kevin and Rick and Tim and Amy (All from WIL) once were. I miss them all so much. I seem to have a lot in common with my desk-neighbor here, and the very newest additions to the department have been really cool. Even still, I can't say I've totally connected with any of them, they just perhaps know more about me and me about them than any of the others here. I am really lucky to have found WIL first. I think I needed to be in that kind of environment (with the people, I mean) at that time in my life. I'd have gone plum-crazy if I'd have had to go through everything that I did then being as alone at work as I am now. Then I was alone at home; I needed to not be alone at work. I owe them all so much, and most of them don't really know how much they meant to me. Truthfully, I didn't really know at the time. I hope to be able to stay in contact as much as possible, but even if things don't work out that way, at least I can carry around ri-goddam-diculously sentimental memories, hehe.

Stay Tuned....

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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