Mother Knows Best... --Written on: 2003-06-07 ~~ 6:22 p.m.

Going home... To me, it's a notion that says I'm going to spend a few hours with my mother and sneak away in the middle of it to check my email and come here. Home being the house where I grew up, not MY home. Living here again and knowing that there is no place else to go, that this is the place I expect to lay my head at the end of the day, every day... That's to much to handle.

My mom asked me a little bit ago if I'd consider moving in here when the lease is up at our apartment. The very funny thing is that she's never been up to visit us at this apartment in the 9 months we've been living there. And also, we've not complained at all in such a way that she'd think "We gotta get out of here!" As it is, she wants help paying the bills. She says she'll end up renting out a room anyway even if it's not to us. I'm sure she will, but I'm also sure she just said that because she knows I hate the idea of a stranger under this roof. I'd rather buy the house out from under her and have it be mine than to be roomies. Plus, all the new stuff we've bought for our place, living room tables and lamps and framed art for the walls, all that money will have been wasted to move in here. One might say, maybe you can put back a little more if you are splitting the cost of living with your mother. Doubtful... If past events are any indication, the amount of "our share" will just grow and grow until we are paying at least as much to live in one room in this house with my mother as we were to live in peace and independence on our own. This is not a good idea. I think sometimes that, wow, I gotta hand it to Nikki... I certainly couldn't handle moving back in with my parents. I'd lose my damn mind. Then I get to thinking, I'd never even try. I'd move heaven and earth to make it so there was no necessity of that happening. So the idea of going back voluntarily is not feasible. I all but told my mother, "No, I don't think we'll be interested." She just kept saying, "We'll think about it." There's nothing to think about.

Oh by the way, so far so good on the food poisoning front.

Stay tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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