Not going to say it (anywhere but here) --Written on: Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003 ~~ 17:02

As much as I would like to say more than I should, I'm not going to. I'm going to resist the urge to impose my opinion and be right again, way down the line. It's the ugly little voice again. The one that tells me that someone isn't all that they appear, or rather that they appear to be more than they really are. It's that crazy little feeling that I learned to pay attention to during my Wiccan days. It's the unbiased voice that doesn't ever lie because it has no one to please.

Normally, and though it gets me in hot water once in a while, I just let this inner voice spew out with all of it's wisdom out of my lips. Therefore, I often seem to be meddling. However, this voice really isn't totally my own intellect expressing my own personal observations. It's something else that I can't explain. It's something in me that knows things that I, personally, couldn't possibly know based on what limited information that I often have. I trust this voice more than I trust most living beings with a pulse. The voice protects me and tries to protect the people I love.

Okay, before I get too far with this... No, I'm not officially schizo. It's not technically a voice, per se. I don't hear words in my head. It's just a feeling that I get. I've explained this all before a short while ago when Nikki and Kyle were having issues. Unfortunately, this feeling, or voice or whatever you want to call it, doesn't get any respect from anyone but me because, as I said, I don't usually have a lot of factual information about a person or situation when the voice strikes. Therefore, people just assume that I'm making an unfair, snap judgement about something I know nothing about. If it were just me forming opinions, then... Yes, that would be true. It's not though, it's something else.

Get to the point...

TJ has a new girlfriend. She sort of followed him home from Cedar Point this summer. She lives in Michigan, so technically they are trying to maintain a long-distance relationship. It's been like, a month, and they've already broken up once. Part of the problem here, is that TJ has some sort of need to try to be friends with his ex's, like it makes him a better person or something. It gives him one more point on the charismatic-guy-o-meter. The problem with this is that they never seem to go away that way, whether he'd like them to or not. So they broke up, but continued to be long-distance friends for however many days that they weren't technically together and now, I guess, they're back. She seems okay, I guess, but I just don't get that warm, fuzzy feeling off of her. As I told TJ's best friend, she reminds me of a thinner, blonder version of his last psycho-ex, who we'll call "JV" for simplicity's sake. Even though TJ was crazy about JV way back in the day, and I was happy for him for that, I never really did feel very cozy about her. Something was not quite kosher. Anyway, it didn't end very well and she continuously fosters these illusions that they might still get back together (this was something like 5 years ago, by the way).

As it happens, this new one has an online diary with a competitor of Diaryland, Live Journal. Her user name is "daintyprofanity" if anyone is curious at all. As much as I'd like to leave a direct link, I don't know how live journal works, and if at all possible, I'd like it not to be traced back to this entry for as long as I have to play the pleasant sister. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't think that she has what TJ needs right now. I don't think that this arrangement or relationship or whatever it is will bring anything upon him except stress and drama and heartache and even more distrust of women. That's what I'm feeling right now about that. I don't like it; I think others are better suited, though I what I really think (without the aide of the voice) is that TJ needs to amputate his social habits for maybe just this semester so he can get used to being in school and get used to the lifestyle and finances that go along with being a college student. THAT is what I, just I, think.

Actually, here is another somewhat good, yet TOTALLY FUCKING RIDICULOUS live journal read: petitebelle14. This is another hanger-on from TJ's summer at Cedar Point. She is my brother's best friend's ex-girlfriend. Now, I will admit, I've heard some stories about how much of an ass Dustin (TJ's buddy) was to her when they were together, but goddammit girl! Have some fucking self-respect! Don't expect anyone to boo-hoo over you. Stand up for your goddammed self already. If he tells you he wants you, he is indeed lying. You're buying it, he's got plenty of BS left in stock for you. After all, demand is high. Anyway, there are some nifty zingers in there from TJ's daintyprofanity that illustrate where I'm not getting such a warm, fuzzy feeling from (in the comments). These two together are going to rip apart TJ and Dustin in the end and make each of them feel like huge shit-bags themselves. THAT is why I'm an antagonist to all of this

Stay Tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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